
(*corresponding author)

19. Penunuri G, Wang P, Corbett-Detig R, Russell SL*. 2024. A structural proteome screen identifies protein mimicry in host-microbe systems. Preprint available:

18. Mirchandani C, Wang P, Jacobs J, Genetti M, Pepper-Tunick E, Sullivan WT, Corbett-Detig R, Russell SL*. 2024. Mixed Wolbachia infections resolve rapidly during in vitro evolution. Preprint available:

17. Russell SL*, Penunuri G, Condon C. 2024. Diverse Genetic Conflicts Mediated by Molecular Mimicry and Computational Approaches to Detect Them. Preprint available:

16. Russell SL*, Castillo JR, Sullivan WT. 2023. Wolbachia endosymbionts manipulate the self-renewal and differentiation of germline stem cells to reinforce fertility of their fruit fly host. PLoS Biology 21(10): e3002335.

  1. Medina P*, Russell SL, and Corbett-Detig R*. 2020. Deep data mining reveals variable abundance and distribution of microbial reproductive manipulators within and among diverse host species. Available on bioRxiv

  1. Breusing C, Genetti M, Russell SL, Corbett-Detig R, and Beinart RA. 2022. Host-Symbiont Population Genomics Provide Insights into Partner Fidelity, Transmission Mode and Habitat Adaptation in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Snails. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(14): e2115608119.

  1. Zee A, Deng DZQ, Adams M, Schimke KD, Corbett-Detig R., Russell SL, Zhang X, Schmitz RJ, Vollmers C. 2022. Illumina But With Nanopore: Sequencing Illumina libraries at high accuracy on the ONT MinION using R2C2. Genome Research 32 (11-12), 2092-2106.

  1. Russell SL* and Ruelas Castillo J. 2020. Trends in Symbiont-Induced Host Cellular Differentiation. In: Kloc M. (eds) Symbiosis: Cellular, Molecular, Medical and Evolutionary Aspects. Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation, vol 69. Springer, Cham.

  1. Russell SL*, Pepper E, Svedberg J, Byrne A, Ruelas Castillo J, Vollmers C, Beinart R, and Corbett-Detig R*. 2020. Horizontal transmission and recombination maintain forever young bacterial symbiont genomes. PLoS Genetics 16(8): e1008935.

  1. Corbett-Detig R*, Russell SL, Nielsen R, and Losos J. 2020. Phenotypic convergence is not constrained at the protein level in a lizard adaptive radiation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37(6): 1604–1614.

  1. Russell SL*, Chappell L, and Sullivan W. 2019. A symbiont’s guide to the germline. , pp. 315–351 in Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Elsevier.

  1. Russell SL*. 2019. Transmission mode is associated with environment type and taxa across bacteria-eukaryote symbioses: a systematic review and meta-analysis. FEMS Microbiology Letters 366(3): fnz013.

  1. Russell SL*, Lemseffer N, White P, and Sullivan W. 2018. Wolbachia and host germline components compete for kinesin-mediated transport to the posterior pole of the Drosophila oocyte. PLOS Pathogens 14(8): e1007216.

  1. Russell SL*, McCartney E, and Cavanaugh CM*. 2018. Transmission strategies in a chemosynthetic symbiosis: Detection and quantification of symbionts in host tissues and their environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285(1890): 9.

  1. Russell SL* and Cavanaugh CM. 2017*. Intrahost bacterial genetic diversity exhibits evidence of mixed infections and recombinant haplotypes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 2747-2761.

  1. Russell SL*, Corbett-Detig R, and Cavanaugh CM*. 2017. Mixed transmission modes and dynamic genome evolution in an obligate animal-bacterial symbiosis. ISME Journal 11: 1359-1371.

  1. White PM, Pietri JE, Debec A, Russell SL, Patel B, and Sullivan W. 2017. Mechanisms of horizontal cell-to-cell transfer of Wolbachia in Drosophila. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 03425-16.

  1. Dmytrenko O, Russell SL, Loo W, Fontanez KM, Liao L, Roeselers G, Sharma R, Stewart FJ, Newton ILG, Woyke T, Wu D, Morgan JL, Eisen JA, and Cavanaugh CM. 2014. The genome of the intracellular bacterium of the coastal bivalve, Solemya velum: a blueprint for thriving in and out of symbiosis. BMC Genomics 15:924.

  1. Jensen K and Russell SL. 2014. Seussapex, a new genus of lecanicephalidean tapeworm (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) from the stingray genus Himantura (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae) in the Indo-West Pacific with investigation of mode of attachment. Folia Parasitologica 61:231-241.